What Should I Look For In A Good Karate School Or Instructor?
With the increase in popularity of the martial arts more and more people are searching for a good karate school and a good instructor. There are many great schools and instructors out there and unfortunately there are as many not so good. How do you tell the difference? What should you look for in a good instructor since the instructor in most cases is the school?
Most prospective students think that the most important thing to look for in an instructor is content knowledge. They want their instructors karate to be dynamic, powerful and impressive in every way. This is obviously very important because there is nothing that looks worse than a black belt instructor who cant deliver the goods when it comes to content. So this quality is definitely high on the list of prerequisites.
However there are other things to look for that may ultimately be even more important to you. Here are some other important points to consider.
Does your instructor have good people skills? This might not seem as important at first because after all you want to learn about the martial arts first and foremost and...