Small Paris museums offer you an alternative to the large venues when you wish to avoid the crowds there. See which museums to visit here.
Fans of Klimt, Schiele & Co., I recently wanted to take a leisurely look at the Grand Palais blockbuster exhibition on Vienne 1900. I picked a weekday mid-afternoon, assuming I could whizz in and loiter through. Oops! I lined up before the entry (in freezing weather) for over an hour. And when I got a glimpse of the over-populated jostling going on inside, threw in the towel.
If body-contact sport isnt your ideal for expo-visiting in Paris (or elsewhere), try small museums.
Heres a sampling of Parisian fares in this vein, where – despite the displays intrinsic interest, and English documentation generally available – youre not likely to have your feet trampled or be elbowed in the ribs. Some are so tiny they arent mentioned in Bordas authoritative Guide des Muses de France.
Lets begin by wandering down rue Antoine Bourdelle, 15e arrondissement (district) near the Gare Montparnasse. At no. 18 you cant not notice, through a grillwork fence, a garden hosting a bronze horse almost two storeys high....