There are endless ways to vacation in today’s world. Air travel makes it possible to get almost anywhere in the world in thirty hours or less. The local park or the state right next door are no longer our only reasonable vacation options. We can go on huge cruise ships and explore the beauty of the seas or we can vacation in a cabin tucked away in the mountains. It is even possible and reasonable to go on an African safari for your next vacation.
I know, an African safari seems a little too exotic and certainly too expensive for a typical family trip. And you are right in that an African safari is not a typical way to spend a week or two as a family, but it certainly is becoming a more viable option as travel becomes easier and more reasonable.
Admit it. There is at least a little bit of you that has always desired to take an African safari, to explore some of the world’s wildest and most unknown places. I believe that you should start to make plans for an African safari if only because you want to. Don’t let yourself get stressed out with all of the details that seem unrealistic. Instead, allow yourself to commit to planning a trip simply...