There are many reasons that make booking a last minute flight necessary. Some common reasons include tragedy, a sudden change in plans, adventure, or taking advantage of rock bottom deals that only become available at the last minute. Because the airlines typically reward individuals who plan ahead, with lower fares, travelers who need or tend to make last minute travel arrangements, will find that last minute flights are generally much more expensive. However, if one looks hard enough, they will find that there are websites that specialize in providing good rates for last minute travelers.
Last minute traveler, specialty websites are able to secure good deals on last minute flights because airlines are often desperate to fill their planes to capacity. An empty seat means lost revenue. And with many airlines struggling to stay afloat, any lost revenue quickly becomes a problem.
If you find that you need to arrange last minute travel due to a death in the family, you may be able to receive a special discounted price from the airlines. To see if you qualify, simply call the airlines directly. You will need to be able to provide some sort of proof, so make sure...