Choosing to purchase a mobility scooter can be a wonderful decision in helping you to regain your independence. However, if you neglect to purchase a lift to enable you to transport your scooter, then you may be missing out on a great benefit. A mobility scooter lift will allow you to easily transport your scooter with you when you go on long, or even short trips, giving you that added freedom that prompted you to purchase the scooter in the first place. You can find a good quality scooter lift for much less money than you think, but there are other aspects that you should keep in mind.
First, you should determine whether you want your lift to be motor driven or manually operated. The manually operated lifts are, of course, less expensive, however, you may find a power operated lift much more beneficial. It depends on whether or not you can manually operate the lift yourself, or if someone can operate it for you. If you do not have the strength to operate the lift, and will not have someone with you to help you, then a power operated lift is a much smarter choice.
You will also need to determine whether your lift should be internal or externally located. An...