Argentina is a popular destination, but it’s important to note on any vacation that there can be cultural, geological and meteoroligical differences when travelling abroad that could potentially ruin your entire trip. While in some places the differences can be minor, in others you could deeply offend a person by doing something you thought to be kosher. Don’t let this happen to you, below are what I believe to be the top 7 Argentina travel tips. Follow these tips and you’ll be sure to leave an impression of courtesy and enjoy more hospitality from the locals.
1. The most common form of greeting in Argentina betwen friends is kissing one anothers cheeks, so don’t be caught off guard when someone makes a lunge toward your cheek. And return the favour out of courtesy if they have.
2. Once in Argentina, one of main methods of transportation is underground shuttle, or by bus/trolley bus, or taxi. Their are 5 main public ral lines, labelled A to E and services operate from early mornng to late at night on a fixed-fare basis. Buses are generally very crowded but are often the quickest means from one place to another.
3. Spanish is the...