Hello From Cuernavaca – The Most Intense Day Of My Trip (Part II)
The Santa Maria area is a rather poor area and was an independent village prior to being gobbled up by Cuernavaca. We parked the car and hiked down into a barranca (ravine) with a river at the bottom. Cuernavaca is located in the shadow of several ancient inactive volcanos and the soil is made up of conglomerate material. Many small rivers come down from the mountain tops, and the waters erosion has created more than 70 ravines in Cuernavaca certainly the most predominant topographical features of this town. There is apparently only one street in town that is level (built under the dictator Porfirio Diaz), all other streets are at an incline due to the topography.
Ruben explained that houses have been built without permits in many of Cuernavacas ravines, and the people that live there have no sewer systems, no access to the citys water system. As far as electricity is concerned they tap into the power system illegally. The city cant do much since it is unable to rehouse these people after a possible eviction.
Similarly, Cuernavaca used to have a railroad which has since been abandoned...