You may be considering a villa holiday in Paphos, Cyprus in the company of teenagers. Schools out for summer and lets be honest; did we want to traipse round historical ruins or visit monasteries and old churches on our holidays? Let me ask you – Would you feel happy if your partner suggested you spend two weeks learning the intricate details of their precious hobby, like golf, cooking or candle-making? This isnt a school field trip! This is their holiday too, so opt for a balance. A family holiday can be one to remember with a little planning before hand. Let the teenagers in the family have a choice and this will fuel their excitement for the family trip once they realize there will be some brilliant extra curricular activities to look forward to.
I found some group activities that would appeal to all the family without breaking the budget but as we are aware teens are notorious for spending their own money and then some more, so explaining about the exchange rate may be your first step. Planning activities that everyone can look forward to and agreeing on budgets beforehand can save an awful lot of arguing and misery at the very point when the whole...