Slow down for your business travel?? Is there really such a thing as Slow Travel for business? Or are business people being targeted with make-believe “Slow Travel” business trip scenarios?
Now that is a serious question.
Is there a straight answer? Probably not. Simply because the answer is going to be a little of both. Yes and no.
Unfortunately we do live in a world where not all of the people possess hearts full of joy and compassion for their fellow man. We do live in the real world, and yes there are charlatans that walk amongst us.
But their business, is none of our business. Our business is to try and make our business trip one we can consider “Slow”.
A real, SLOW business adventure.
Because, hold on to your hats boys and girls…… Yes indeed, Virginia there is a Santa Claus. The mythical is not so mythical. By that I mean there is such a thing as “Slow Business” travel. 🙂
Depending upon your schedule (shockingly, slow business travelers will likely still have a schedule), your trip can be whatever you make of it even if you are on a fairly strict time constraint. Because...