Places to stay in Anaheim CA
Anaheim Hotels, Motels, & Inns
In many opinions there are millions of people who would prefer to travel, rather than work. Unfortunately, there are some things we can do, and some things we just can’t do right now. For those who have the opportunity to travel and yet are undecided as to their travel destination, this article provides information on places to stay, things to do, and places to eat. However, the nature of this article will focus mainly on places to stay in Anaheim California for less than $100 a night specifically for those traveling on a budget, or those who do not wish to spend an exorbitant amount of money while trying to enjoy a quick getaway for a while.
One of Anaheim’s places to stay that can be found for more than reasonable rates are the Tropicana Inn & Suites Anaheim. Located at the pedestrian walkway into the Disneyland resort, the Tropicana Inn & Suites Anaheim is a designated Disneyland Resort good neighbor hotel located just across the street from the Disneyland Resort. This 200 room Mediterranean themed property completed a major renovation in 2004 which included a...