With internet you can research tons of useful information, which will probably match and satisfy your needs. Some how, I believe is good to remark what you want to see and how you will get to your destinations, in which city you will spent days and nights.
The vacation rental selected will play a decisive rule. The people who run this place may influence a lot your holiday. You are happy with them this will be synonymous of unforgettable holiday. They are nasty, your vacation will be then probably a tragedy.
If you are an adventure traveller, who doesnt care where to stay, then go and stay where you feel comfortable and enjoyable. Do not carry big luggage, ask to anyone you desire what ever you desire. Italy is small unique full of richness country, and the Italian are very much willing to help tourist.
Move quickly, enjoy sunny and relaxing break, ride up and down by train get as much you can. Be ready to change area, even before sunset. Discovering a country like Italy in such a short time require a great dynamism and passion in travelling. Dedicate at least 1 day and one night if in your designed tour there are major cities, such as: Rome, Florence,...