You wouldnt believe it if we told you that once upon a time Motril in the Costa Tropical region was considered the sugar capital of the world. Although today, if you visit Motril, you will find nothing more than a pre-industrial sugar museum that talks in pictures about the golden days of the sugarcane industry in Spain.
The museum was actually opened in 2004 and is called the Museo Preindustrial de la Caa de Azucar. This museum is one of its kinds and was built on the same site where the remains of the famous La Palma sugar refinery was situated. The La Palma sugar refinery was discovered during an excavation project in progress in 1990. There are several documents showcased in the museum that speaks volumes about the history of sugar refinery in Spain and in Andaluca almost 10,000 years back. The earliest reference to sugarcane production in Costa Tropical dates back to the 10th century, but the production boom came only in the period between the 16th and 18th centuries in Andaluca.
According to historical evidences and documents, the La Palma Sugar House operated between the 1540s till 1787. The process of sugar production in the 200 years of its existence...