One of the major problems that classic car owners have is that they have a hard time locating the right kind of auto parts or replacement parts for their vehicle. This is mainly because most auto parts stores at present offer only auto parts for the most popular vehicle makes and models as well as the auto parts for the newest cars in the market. They do not take into consideration that there are still old cars still alive and working that also need some auto parts replacements.
So how do you find that elusive auto part for your car?
Join Auto Clubs
You can try joining auto clubs and ask around with other members who own the same vehicle as you. That way, you can ask them where they get their replacement parts. You can search for such auto clubs using car magazines or you can search through the Internet for them.
Be An Online Hunter
Take full advantage of what the Internet has to offer. You can exhaust all search engines for auction sites or online bulletin boards. Many stores or sources of auto parts replacements for classic or old cars advertise their products online. Put these sites in your archives so you can visit them regularly and check...