There are tips and hidden secrets when it comes to improving the gas mileage of your vehicle. With these changing times and the skyrocketing fuel prices, it seems more important than ever to cut down on gas mileage. The most important piece of advice in these times is to cut down on driving. Unfortunately, the most important piece of advice and the most obvious doesnt seem to impress upon most people because people seem attached to driving, even if its just a quick trip to the corner store three blocks away.
If driving less is something that you cannot fathom, you can practice a few other methods to cut down on gas mileage and save some money.
Keep Your Car Working Properly
One of the best ways to ensure that you are getting more bang for your buck in terms of gas mileage is to check your car frequently and make sure that it is working as it should be. Cars that are regularly checked and have regular oil changes usually manage more gas mileage because they are in sharper working order.
Serious maintenance problems that go unchecked, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can cost you lots of money in terms of wasted gas mileage and can impact your vehicle...