Between elevated gasoline prices (which show every indication of staying that way) and the current concern about the environmental impacts of vehicle emissions, you’ve probably been hearing a lot of discussion about the use of “alternative fuels.” It sounds like a good idea, you think…but do you know what alternative fuels are actually in the running? Here’s the shortlist of the alternative fuels to keep an eye on, and a major advantage and disadvantage for each:
Electricity is a source of power that we already produce, store, and use. To power an electric vehicle (EV), electricity is produced by a power plant or other standard means and is then stored in the battery that will operate the vehicle.
Pro: A vehicle powered solely by electricity produces no emissions.
Con: In current models, batteries need to be recharged frequently.
Biodiesel is a fuel that is made from vegetable oils and animal fats through a chemical process called esterification. When the oils and fats are mixed with alcohol, their molecules break down into methylesters, which are then used as fuel, and a waste product of...