Using hybrid cars and preventing pollution can potentially go hand in hand. A lot of time has been invested in the creation of hybrid cars and pollution prevention in order to develop a more economical option but there is more to it as the effects of pollution on the atmosphere have also been considered. Hybrid cars and pollution prevention can offer a valuable advantage; lower emissions and this can have an excellent effect on the amount of pollution distributed. Far lower emissions on pollution and the other benefits can be gained when using hybrid cars. Hybrid cars and pollution prevention are now acceptable forms of cars that lower these emissions.
Tailpipe emissions affect the environment and pollution levels but this can be significantly lowered when using hybrid cars. The gases released when gasoline is burned pollute the atmosphere and usually consist of gases including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons. These are known as greenhouse gases and have particularly detrimental affects on the atmosphere and the environment. These gases remain trapped in the atmosphere, affecting our climate and have an overall negative affect on...