Tramping & Bun Wagons: The Lingo Of The UK Road Haulage Industry
If youve ever heard a couple of truckers chatting between road haulage trips in the UK, you may have found yourself baffled by the assortment of phrases and expressions littered throughout the conversation. Well, consider the confusion gone; as I lift the lid on the mystery of haulage company speak:
Wagons just a standard term for ones haulage vehicle. In my experience, UK road haulage workers are fiercely proud of the wagons and make every effort to make them as glamorous and comfortable a space as possible. Which seems fair enough, considering how long they have to spend in such a tiny space.
This one is as a direct result of making the wagon comfortable many heavy haulage and logistics drivers will take to spend days at a time camped out in their wagons. Extended stays in this home away from home is affectionately known as tramping.
Technically, the part of the wagon that the haulage company workers will spend their time tramping in is the front section of the lorry with the controls. This part is known, in the UK road haulage industry,...