Electric Scooters or Mobility Scooters are specially designed for people who have low mobility. An electric scooter is basically a battery-operated vehicle with the capacity of only one person. These scooters are mainly used by those people who feel difficulty in standing or walking for long periods of time. The Electric Scooters or Mobility Scooters are either designed for indoor use, outdoor use and both indoor and outdoor use. The main difference between an Electric Scooter and a motorized wheelchair is that the later is generally intended for indoor use and also costs more.
The Mobility scooters generally come in a wide range of styles which are capable of accommodating different types of user needs. The Electric Scooters can have three wheels or maybe four. All these scooters run with battery power, so there is no chance to create environmental pollution. The pair of batteries used by these scooters are rechargeable and need to be re-charged on a regular basis. The time and distance covered by an electric scooter after every charging depends significantly on the type of battery and its capacity. There is no need to worry about the operation of these scooters as they...