Buying a car will most likely be one of the largest purchases you make in your life and so its importance cannot be understated. With such a huge array of vehicles to choose from, throughout the various price ranges, research will be the key to a successful purchase. When you are thinking about buying a car there is one important factor to appreciate in financial terms nearly all vehicles are liabilities. That is they LOSE money and are an added burden to your finances not only the initial purchase but also the insurance, gas costs, repairs and then the depreciation when you come to sell it.
That said, they are also fast becoming an essential possession in the modern world only major cities have comprehensive public transport systems, so to get around at your convenience there is only one option buy a car.
The first item to consider is the method of payment for the vehicle buy to own or lease over a period of time. Either way you will need to calculate your budget to see what you can afford not only up front or monthly payments but also the following:
1. How reliable a make of car it is are the parts expensive?
2. How long is the warranty...