Most established writers have deadlines to follow. They are either pressed to complete an article by a certain time or they have a novel or non-fiction book that must be handed in by a deadline. In each case they have either a mandatory of self-imposed daily word count they need to complete in order to finish on time.
The primary components to time management for writers should encompass several things.
1. Writing – By actually identifying what your purpose is you take the first step in making sure it is included in your thinking.
2. Research – Take the time to conduct research on your subject matter, if you don’t factor time for this you have to borrow from other categories and you will likely fall behind in your writing.
3. Market Research – When you research the intended audience for your work it can help you more closely guide the work in the right direction.
4. Rest and Recreation – If you don’t factor time for these two things they will get lost. At the root of recreation is re-create. Our creative juices are revitalized in down time. If we spend all our time writing we will likely lose perspective and...