As time progresses, more and more people are joining the revolution called Credit card. Yes, its really a revolution. Now you dont need to worry about how much cash you have in your pocket when you go shopping, just carrying this small piece of plastic (credit card) is enough to assure you of a good shopping treat. You can use your credit card to order things from the comfort of your home (on the internet). So the number of credit card applications seems to be on the rise. However, not every credit card application turns into a physical credit card. Some credit card applications get rejected too. Lets check why a credit card supplier would reject a credit card application when he has spent so much time and energy (and money) on wooing new customers.
One obvious reason for rejection of credit card application is human error i.e. the error committed by you in filling up the credit card application. These can be small mistakes like a wrong telephone number or wrong name or the postal code might be wrong. Its normal to make mistakes, after all we are human being and no human being can be termed as perfect. Another strong reason for rejection of a credit card application...