Throughout the course of history mankind has sought to develop new ways to record, track and make better use of time. From the invention of the sundial to the introduction of the modern calendar, the need to responsibly understand and manage time has been a concern to individuals, both in their professional and personal lives, for thousands of years.
Modern methods of time management incorporate various ways of recording time, to help an individual identify barriers to the effective use of time. Long and short term goal setting is encouraged. The term time management also applies to any number of methods which may be employed to help an individual organize and prioritize the goals to be accomplished.
Popular methods of time management practiced in the 21st century include the Parento Analysis, the Posec method, and Time Boxing, among a myriad of others. Each method proposes its own unique system to help the individual user manage time in a more orderly and productive fashion.
Tools used in time management may include either traditional or digital resources, such as planners, organizers, andor calendars. Additionally, goal setting outlines and specific...