Gain weight during pregnancy is one of the most dreaded scenarios of women who are so figure conscious. And why not worry? Aside from the pains and major intellectual, emotional, physical and financial adjustments pregnant women should go through, they still have to worry how pregnancy would ruin the years they spent to achieve their figure right now.
But, no matter how frightening or alarming that thought of weight gain during pregnancy is, gaining weight is inevitable. These findings are supported not just by researchers in the field of science but also by some pediatricians, obstetricians and other those who know the real pains of pregnancy.
The importance of weight gain during pregnancy Experts say that weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable because the hormonal change in a womans body triggers it. Studies show that when women are conceiving, there are drastic changes in their hormonal levels that increase their appetite.
Aside from hormonal changes, women gain weight during pregnancy because they tend to eat a lot in order to supply the nutrients needed by the growing fetus.
Providing food and nutrients for the baby inside the womb,...