Tim is suffering from a bout of depression. The reason- Tim always dreamt of becoming an economist. However, one year down the line Tim feels that he is not as talented as others. His analytical skills are poor and he is not strong in quantitative analysis. He is sure that his dream will remain a dream.
One day, while on his way to college, he comes across two posters. The first one reads, “Cherish your dreams and aspirations. They are the blueprint of your achievements. and the second poster says, What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Tim returns, organizes his study schedule and starts working hard. When it is time for the results, Tim is a surprise topper. So, what caused this sudden change in Tim? Well, the posters seemed to have an effect on Tim. Now, this is what a well-written motivational poster can do for you.
Motivational posters have become a rage. Be it a school, home or an office, the walls seem to be flaunting positive messages. The important question is what are the advantages of putting up motivational posters?
Words, when used in a correct way, can melt the stoniest of hearts. Words are known to have triggered mass...