Online role playing games can trace its history back to the 1970s, where the earliest multi user games started to appear. Rogue, a very famous dungeon crawler, was released in1980. Monsters, items, and setting were represented by letters. This in turn, inspired a whole genre of similar clones.
Dungeons and Dragons have long influenced the development of role playing games. Console playing games, such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, success divided the genre into two: the console role playing games and the computer role playing games. This is because of the cultural differences where game consoles are produced primarily for personal computers in Japan and role playing games in the Western World.
Online Role Playing Games started as single player games when it was first introduced. However, with the advent of the internet, more and more improvements were made on role playing games. What started as a game for one now has all people coming from different countries playing together in one game. Multiplayer options have grown remarkably big that game companies find ways to improve it over and over again. With these improvements came massively...