Regardless of the environment it seems that people are more susceptible to injury when they are at work and this could be because they spend a great deal of time there but workplace first aid training is extremely important and needs to be more than suggested, it needs to be enforced. It is up to the employers to make sure that in the event of a medical emergency that an employee gets the proper attention that he needs.
Effective and efficient first aid training in the workplace becomes a bit more complex as there are usually many employees present which can cause some to lose direction. That is why the employer should appoint one person to be in charge in an emergency situation including calling 911. This person should also be in charge of the first aid box, making sure that is fully stocked and contains no outdated products. There has to be a back up person just in case the one in charge happens to be the fallen victim. The appointed person has to be fully trained in first aid, CPR, and AED.
Unfortunately since the terrorist attacks of 911, workplaces are also encouraged to incorporate cyanide poisoning treatment as part of their first aid training programs....