The best advertising, whether for a small business or large, is advertising that works. The price a small business owner pays for advertising would not be an issue if the outcome of the ad was known.
If a small business owner had a choice of paying $1000 a month for advertising that brought in a guarantee of at least $2000 a month profit, or paying $500 a month for advertising that brought in $750 worth of profit a month, there would be no hesitation. That savvy small business owner would gladly shell out $1000 each month for the advertising.
Small business advertising has no such guarantees however. Its not like buying a refrigerator that is guaranteed to keep the milk and eggs cold. $1000 of advertising might bring $8000 of profit, or it might bring in zero. So, whats a small business owner to do, especially if faced with a limited budget?
The best answer is to use small business advertising that only charges the owner when and if it works. There are several ways of doing this.
The primary method is called pay per click. This Internet option is available with numerous online merchant sites as well as hundreds of newspapers across the country and...