If you have a website, or are contemplating one, you will certainly be concerned about SEO (search engine optimization). Historically, web programmers and content writers have used clever and some ill-advised methods for optimizing their site with the search engines. Strategically placed keywords and metatags were some of the basic techniques. Others embedded a keyword hundreds of times within the pages HTML. Search engines caught on to this and soon marked and even de-registered sites using this unacceptable practice. Still, the need to drive traffic to a web site led to other developments, one of which is the web directory.
There are literally thousands of directories, ranging from specific topics to broad coverage of a top 10 or 20, to some sites that are so comprehensive they have over 1000 categories and subcategories. One such comprehensive site is www.dirfly.com.
Is there an advantage to a comprehensive site? Wont people get lost going through all the different categories? Heres why we think dirfly.com is a great choice for listing your website and why we chose the comprehensive versus narrow listing approach. The internet has made us a group of...