Apart from newspaper advertising, a system of leaflets, cards and catalogs can be operated to a business advantage in marketing its products and services. One week a business owner may send out leaflets, next week he may mail cards with a nicely written message calling the attention of the recipient to make some action, then the week after that a tasty catalog may float along talking about good work, good stock, prompt deliveries and affordable prices.
As most of you are probably aware of, catalogs are a good way to market all kinds and types of products. From products with general appeal to products that fits a specific market, catalogs and other direct marketing materials can be your key to being successful in the ever crowded marketplace.
Catalogs offer new and interesting products to their customers each month, quarter or year depending on the business. Catalogs also like to promote products that are not easily found at retail stores, products that are not available elsewhere or products that add to the best selection category of a certain product. Thus, to keep your catalog interesting and fresh to your customers, you should at least introduce over...