Get paid to surf programs were once an easy method of earning money online. Such programs were in the peak during the year 2005. Get paid to surf programs started as means of online advertising. The paid to surf programs warranted registration with a surfing websites and viewing websites of other members and in turn they will get credit entitled by the person to have his website to be viewed by others. Actually speaking, the person does not even require watching the websites, as long as they keep accumulating which will entitle him to earn more credits even if he is not working.
In the late 2003s apart from advertising the website through auto surfing, an opportunity was provided to earn one percent on up gradation fee for one year each day for up graded memberships. This paved way to start similar paid to surf sites by several entrepreneurs. At the end of the year 2004, there were nearly 40 get paid to surf site programs running on the internet and at the end of year 2006 nearly 400 auto surf programs were running. Even though the paid to surf programs were easy sources of making money on the internet, there was some percentage of risk involved as earning money...