If you are like me you will love old stereo equipment, especially valve amplifiers. Some might say landmark manufacturers such as Leak, Quad, Thorens, Garrard, Shure, SME, etc, who made an impact on the development of Hi Fi (does anyone call it that these days?).
My memories of record systems and valve amplifiers go back to pre-33rpm; when our dad had a large collection of 78s. I remember he had an electric record player (very posh!) and by its side resided a small box. In this box lived needles these were religiously changed every eighth record. Dad kept a pad by the record player and each time it was played he would make a note on the pad!
With the introduction of LPs into our house, the equipment to play them also changed. First, dad bought an HMV valve amplifier/radiogram – of course but before too long he changed this for separate stereo pieces.
The first set-up he bought in the late 1960s consisted of:
Thorens TD150 record deck; SME 3009 Series 11 Tonearm; Shure V15 cartridge; Leak 30 Plus amplifier; Leak Sandwich 600 Speakers.
I am very proud still to own the Leak 30 Plus Amplifier. I also still have the original packaging and...