It almost goes without saying that good customer service is essential to sustaining any business. No matter how wonderful a job you do of attracting new customers, you wont be profitable for long unless you have a solid customer retention strategy in place and in action. Its the actions that count not what you say youll do, or what the policy says. People will remember what you or your employees have done or not done.
One of the key components of an effective retention strategy is exceptional customer service. Not just good service, but memorable service. Today, consumers expectations are higher than ever and companies that fail to deliver, risk losing market share.
10 Tips for Delivering Good Customer Service.
1) Treat me like a somebody. Its been years since that Midas muffler commercial aired, but the Im a somebody phrase can still be heard from time to time. Why? Because regular customers expect (and deserve) to be remembered. As one woman summed it up, You dont need to remember my name, or what I order, but do acknowledge that Ive been there before.
One of the best examples Ive ever seen of this is at my local coffee shop. One...