A digital scrapbook is an exciting project. With minimal mess, you can gather photos and memories into an electronic scrapbook. From there, you can share individual pages or the entire digital scrapbook via e-mail. You can save the digital scrapbook on CD. You can print your digital scrapbook as many copies as you desire.
Digital scrapbook flourishes make your work look professional. Well-placed and limited in number, digital scrapbook flourishes can soften sharp corners and add feeling to any page.
Define Digital Scrapbook Flourishes
Digital scrapbook flourishes are decorative touches added to photos on the page of a digital scrapbook project.
As in writing, a flourish is an ornamental embellishment, added to make the page showier. Such embellishments appeared frequently in Victorian writing, but are now reserved for things such as certificates where calligraphy appears.
A digital scrapbook flourish might be a sweeping stem of flowers placed across the corner of a photo. It could be a circular “doodle” of intricately interwoven lines. Sometimes, digital scrapbook flourishes take a free art form, flowing loops of color or black...