People seem to be coming upwith strange and very innovative ideas to promote their sites and also come up with sites to promote businesses and their brand names. Just a few months back, we had this euphoria where a student got a website up and was selling pixels on his website at the rate of $1 per pixel. Many rip-offs followed this and they too proved quite a bit successful thus making everyone associated with the site very happy. The businesses which put their ads on the site, however invisible they seemed to be in the muddle of ads, also seemed to be happy with the visibility that they got.
Now a slightly different and improved version seems to be doing the rounds on the net. It is called the ‘One in hundred thousand’ website and it can be found at
This site is based on the concept that they get your name on the internet (rather, on this site) for $3. The name can be that of an individual or that of a business. And they also link to your homepage (if you have one) as part of the name. To maintain some exclusivity (after all, they cant get the names of 6 billion people on to the site), they have restricted themselves...