My name is Kasey Hammond and I am writing to celebrate my success in finding the perfect career for me.
I was killing myself over a job in which I was giving everything I had. As a Spanish major, I didn’t have very much business savvy and was eager to get into the market. This company was eager to hire me as I spoke fluent Spanish and they were looking to launch into the Mexican market.
After two and a half years, I did make it to one of the higher positions in the company but there was no where else to go & I was tired of working away for my rich boss and giving him all of my time and energy.
As I became disenchanted, I made of list of things I liked about my job… and the things I hated. I quickly realized that I was a servant to my job and hated it!
While I didn’t like everyone I worked with (I am sure you can relate), I realized I have patience and a willingness to help people and want them to succeed. During this “soul searching” of mine, a close friend happened to tell me about the tutoring business and how she was working part time for a company. And the best part was...