Funny, but not too funny
Once you get past the standard greeting cards, they begin to be a bit more specific to certain circumstances. Many people are unsure of what type of standard card to give. To solve this dilemma they tend to opt for a humorous card because they dont want to be too personal but still want to show that they care enough to be thinking about the occasion for that person. The choice that needs to be made is; what is humorous and what goes past the line in terms of taste? In a general sense, its up to the giver but the greeting card manufacturers do have your back. The humorous cards that they manufacturer tend to be fairly specific in the greetings that they give. In other words, they try to structure the card greeting so that the recipient doesnt take the greeting the wrong way. But, given that there are so many ways to take a greeting the wrong way the giver should err on the side of being bland, rather than trying to impose their sense of humor on the recipient.
Making use of technology
Those computer chips that have found their way into toasters and electric toothbrushes have now been finding their way into greeting cards. Several...