What kind of home based business should you try to start? After all, in these days when companies all over the world are down sizing or outsourcing, even the most highly educated and well trained workers may find themselves out of a job!
Used to be that if you got a job with a major company, or a state or local government job, that you were set for life. Handsome pensions, medical care benefits for yourself and family, union protection from unethical mean or desperate management, all of this and more helped to create a sense of security for American workers.
Now the worm has turned, and many well educated and well trained people find themselves at the mercy of bean counters and buyout artists, shady politicians trying to make their bones at the expense of the workforce, why a friend of mine who worked for a catholic church (and did a good job in my opinion) was sacked just the day before the Christmas holiday! The recent contract negotiations between the New York Mayor Bloomberg and the Transit Workers Union is another perfect example of why you should consider starting a home based business to protect your income, and your family’s security.