Many types of business valuation methods are appropriate when estimating or defining a business value for certain kinds of business evaluations and appraisals. The reason for the evaluation determines which measure will be used. For example, if the purpose is to borrow money, asset values will be key because lenders will be interested in collateral. If the value is based on the selling price of the business, then what the business owns, what it earns, and what makes it unique will be important. The following is a list of many different types of business valuations that can be performed.
* Insurable value
* Book value
* Liquidation value
* Fair market / stock market value
* Replacement value
* Reproduction value
* Asset value
* Discounted future earnings value
* Capitalized earnings value
* Goodwill value
* Going concern value
* Cost savings value
* Expected return value
* Conditional value
* Market data value
This article discusses six of the more popular business valuation methods: 1) Value based on assets, 2) Value based...