Not Enough Time To Get Stuff Done? Try Creating It!
Are you finding that you dont have enough time in the day to get your work done? Here are some ideas to help you create time in the midst of the busyness.
Change Your Work Hours & Save 6 Weeks!
Imagine! Having an extra 6 weeks in the year to get work done or spend with the family! Are you working from 9am-5pm? That means you are probably traveling to work in peak hour traffic. In many cities, the average commute can take up to an hour each way. If you change your work hours from 9am-5pm to 8am-4pm, or 10am-6pm, you could miss the peak hour traffic and save 30 minutes each way. This amounts to one hour a day, 5 hours a week, or 250 hours a year! And thats about a 6 week time saving!
Commuting Time Consuming and Boring? Or Productive Time?
Are you one of the many commuters stuck in traffic each day? Many employees spend 30-90 minutes commuting to work, each way in cars, buses and trains. Do you get road rage? Stressed with the bustle? What a way to start the day stressed! What if you could use this time to your advantage? If traveling by car, start thinking about what you have on that...