Studies have revealed that sickness absence, from short-term and longer-term sickness, is one of the major reasons for employee absences. Stress is also emerging as a major factor with its impact higher compared to earlier periods.
Any absence management program would hence require special focus on sickness absence.
Different Kinds of Sickness Reported for Sickness Absence
Minor illness such as colds, flu, stomach upset and headaches are the most frequently reported kinds of sickness, among both manual and non-manual employees. Employees might just call in sick reporting such problems.
Manual workers engaged in physically demanding work tend to suffer more from physical ailments like back pain and musculo-skeletal injuries. For non-manual employees stress is a major problem, with one study reporting it as the second most frequent type of sickness, after minor illnesses.
Recurring medical conditions is another major contributor to sickness absence.
Stress-Related Sickness Absences
Excessive and sustained pressure of work can lead to stress when it goes beyond acceptable levels of pressure. In such cases, employers...