How To Make A Scrapbook Album For A Baby Boy
You have just become the proud parent of a baby boy. Whether this is your first child or not, youll want to commemorate this special event by creating a baby scrapbook. Its easy and fun to find creative ideas for scrapbooking your son.
The first thing that you need to think about when it come to making an album for your new baby boy is how detailed you would like the scrapbook to be. There are a variety of different sizes you can choose from when it comes to selecting albums, so make sure, if it is going to be detailed, that you consider a larger size, such as a 12 x 12 album.
Now, when you start organizing and planning all the scrapbooking ideas that you might have, you should really start from the very beginning such as when you were pregnant. Now, some women go so far as to save every detail of their pregnancy, even the pregnancy stick that indicated they were going to have their child. Now, if you are the kind of person that has saved such a thing, start the scrapbook with a picture of the stick, rather than the actual stick.
Another interesting suggestion for a baby boy album that you can include is...