Define A New Niche To Seize A Big Competitive Advantage When Marketing Legal Services
When marketing legal services, generalities fail and specifics persuade. The same is true when you decide which legal services you wish to feature in your attorney marketing program.
When you practice in various areas of the law, your prospects and referral sources see you as a generalist. Often, they don’t remember you for any particular area of practice. In their minds, your image is blurred.
On the other hand, when you practice in one narrow area of the law, your prospects and referral sources know exactly what you do. Your image is clear and precise. So even if you want to practice in a broad area, or offer a wide range of services, you’d do well to define your niche in narrow terms so prospects and referral sources see you in one specific niche.
The more narrow your niche, the easier it is to establish yourself as the authority in that niche and for people to perceive you as the expert. Also, the easier it is for clients, prospects and referral sources to remember exactly what you do.
The more narrow your niche — and the more...