Whether just starting out into the world of business or if you already have an established watch bands company, free promotion is a must have. In addition to being a terrific way of budgeting your expenses, its a real revenue booster. The largest expense that many businesses incur is that of advertising. Why? Because the cost associated with advertising in print publications can be quite hefty, which is why an increasing number of business owners are looking for an alternate way of getting the word out about their company.
The most popular, and common, way to generate free promotion for a watch bands business is through the use of a press release. This brief, one page news report is distributed to press association websites, magazines, trade publications and local newspapers. Whether your watch bands company already has a physical storefront, is primarily web-based or mail order, the use of press releases can really help to spread the word about your company in a positive light. When most people pick up a publication, they do so in order to read stories. Advertisements are just placeholders that publications use to generate additional revenue. Business owners run paid...