That’s what the ACN gal’s email said today:
“I’m looking for effective ‘pique’ phrases to pique the person to attend a one-on-one, or evening events.”
Pique=arouse, as in, arouse someone’s interest.
Here’s what I told the gal.
What piques YOUR interest about this business? Why did YOU decide to do it?
1. You’ve always been a closet entrepreneur and this was your chance to come out?
2. You’ve always wanted something you could get behind, something you could believe it, and this was it?
3. You’ve always wanted to build an empire, or you’ve always dreamed of being filthy stinking rich, and you thought this was a way to do that?
4. You’ve always wanted a way to earn AOL or cable TV-like regular monthly income and this was it?
Bottom line: To come up with those special “how can I attract them” phrases, always ask yourself first:
What turned ME on to this? Why did I choose to do this, versus something else I might have done?
Lead with THAT.
First, you’ll be authentic and genuine. Second,...