Is The Secret really a secret? Not anymore!
The movie, The Secret released in March of this year has taken the world by storm. Distributed by the internet using a viral marketing model, the film has been downloaded on computers across the globe. In November, two episodes of Larry King Live were devoted to The Secret.
So what is The Secret? The secret is a Universal Law known and practiced by secret societies of the rich and powerful for centuries. The secret is the Law of Attraction, which teaches that whatever thoughts we hold in our mind, repeat, and attach feeling to, we bring into our reality. It works like a physical magnet to bring into our experience exactly what we think about and to what we attach our emotions. If we think of prosperity constantly for instance, the Law of Attraction says it must come to us. If we think of lack and injustice, that will come to us as well.
While this might sound like mumbo jumbo, you might be surprised to learn that secret societies have practiced The Law of Attraction for centuries. Many of our nations founding fathers were members of a secret society know as the Freemasons. Great leaders such as Plato, Newton,...