Many years ago when I worked in camera store, a customer came in one day with a very old roll of unexposed B&W film. He wanted to buy a camera that would fit that type of film so he could use up the film. The film was so old, all camera manufactures had long since quite making cameras that would take that type of film. I explained to him that the roll of film was worth maybe $2.00 (if it was still any good) and suggested he throw out the old film and consider a new camera and wooowooo color film. He thanked and left with is old roll of film.
I think about this story quite often when I am dealing with authors and writers. They have such knowledge and enthusiasm for their ideas and topics, unfortunately many of them, especially new writers and authors seldom give little if any thought to who will be buying their books and where and how they will be getting them.
I often ask these writers, who is going to be the recipient of your book? Most writers simply tell me they are going to sell them. My next question is where will you sell them? Most people respond with bookstores and the Internet. Then the tough question, and how are you going to go about doing this?...