Find the Sweet Spot
Embarking on any change initiative, such as a CRM implementation, requires a parallel strategy of ERM – Employee Relationship Management. In helping companies manage change, our experience repeatedly tells us that employees know what the problems to implementation are, usually have strong opinions about them, and honestly want to make their work environment successful. Nobody wants to work in continual chaos. So leaders and managers need to leverage existing employee knowledge and motivationthat sweet spotto accelerate implementation. Finding the sweet spot will help you develop the strategy to:
Move managers and employees to quickly buy into CRM implementation and;
Productively reflect on what actions or new behaviors need to be adopted (teamwork, better communications, better problem-solving, decision-making, etc.).
Confronting Resistance
The ERM piece of the CRM implementation puzzle can confound and frustrate the most seasoned managers and leaders. Thats because you have to deal with the softer side of CRM. The key is to think and act in less linear ways. Here are a few situations where dealing with the softer...