I’m an A-V Geek, and for thirty years, I’ve sweated the big and small stuff as a producer of meetings, conferences, and sales rallies. During that time I have developed a checklist of five special “secrets I use to insure that the meeting media will go right. Go right?
You see, the customer has paid big bucks for the video or multimedia piece that will help the crowd shake off the cobwebs (or hangovers) and get focused on the goals, spirit and business of the meeting. I want my client to love the video, and the only way the client will love it is if the audience loves it.
Well, you can bring in Christopher Walken floating on air, and if the room isn’t right, the audience will be distracted and that major piece of genius the client contracted will be snoozed through, ignored, or poo-poo’d for reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the media.
It’s all in the room. It’s a group experience, and just like in a movie theater, many things come together to make the experience right.
Tip One: Let the video be seen.
You have to create a theatrical experience. Using a TV Monitor, or even a large...