Wheelchairs also use batteries and the battery that you will use will differ according to your needs. When choosing the right battery for your chair you have to look at the manner you will use your chair. If you often go for long rides then you should choose a long lasting battery. Using the wrong battery can leave you stranded especially if the battery is unable to provide the power needed to steer rugged terrains.
But aside from considering how you use your chair, you have to likewise consider the cost, maintenance need, and safety and transportation ability. Because of the immense weight and volume of batteries designers have to seriously consider them in manufacturing a power wheelchair. But a carefully and effectively produced battery can last longer, take up less space and weigh less. Consequently, this will create a more reliable wheelchair that has increased power and lower maintenance need.
Additionally, when buying a powered wheelchair you also have to consider whether the battery is sold with the chair or if they are sold separately. This way you can budget your money accordingly. But using car batteries to keep costs low is not a good idea. Car...