All customers want and expect superior customer service, and it is all too important that we give it to them. Otherwise, our competition will.
Your customer doesnt want to be treated like another statistic along an assembly line. They want to be treated with respect. It is very important that your customer realizes just how important their business is to you.
Imagine if you were a daily customer at a bank, restaurant, or some other establishment. And every day that you walked in, a sales associate would take care of your business, than hurry you out the door, without so much as a hi, bye, or even making eye contact for that matter.
Okay, so you dont necessarily go to these places to make new friends, but you would think that the experience could be just a little bit positive.
Maybe this isnt enough to make someone take their business elsewhere. However, it just might if they were approached by your competition, and your competition gave them an idea of just how the grass can be greener on the other side, and managed to swipe that customer from you. And if they did, would you even realize it?
The most important thing to your customer when doing...